Communicating with the Emergency Operations Centre

The Hub plays a critical role in keeping the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) informed of what’s going on in your community, so the official response can provide support where possible. 

The Communications role feeds information to the EOC and receives important information from the EOC to be relayed to the Hub and the public (e.g. important safety messages, road closures etc.). 

The Communications person: 

  • Should monitor the Civil Defence VHF radio and communicate via the radio, or preferably by phone and email, if normal systems are still working. 
  • Works with any teams out gathering information if communication is possible while they are away from the Hub. 
  • Needs to be able to speak clearly and record information quickly and neatly. 

Communications role and tasks

Set up an area for communications

A chevron

The Communications area needs to be set up in a quiet place, away from noise and distractions, but close enough to remain in constant contact with the rest of the Hub. 

Establish a quiet space/separate room to set up the communications area. This could be for phone communication if available, or VHF radio if the telecommunications network is down. 

Set up the radio if required

A chevron

Instructions on using the Civil Defence VHF radio are kept with the radio, in the Hub kit. 

Contact the Emergency Operations Centre

A chevron

Contact the Emergency Operations Centre via phone, text message, email or radio and tell them that the Hub is open. 

The Emergency Operations Centre may want to know: 

  • The impacts of the emergency in your community. 
  • Do you have power, phone or email? 
  • Are roads blocked, or houses damaged? 
  • Are there people injured or in need of help? 
  • What further assistance you need. 

Only provide a brief summary of key issues to the EOC unless asked for more specifics. Refer to the Hub Status Report in the Information Coordination section. 

Monitor communication channels

A chevron

Monitor communication channels while the Hub is open so no messages are missed. 

This includes listening to broadcast radio to hear what public messaging is being shared with the country or region. 

Keep a record of all incoming and outgoing messages – include details such as who the message is from, the date and the time it was received. 

Pass on all information received

A chevron

Pass on all information received to the Information Coordination team, such as how many groups are out, how you might be able to contact them, when they are due back etc. 

Maintain contact with any groups out gathering information. 

Working as a team

Find out more about other hub roles: