How much emergency water do I need to store?
Did you know that the average person uses 1,540 litres during a typical week.
You will need enough water to last for seven days. You may need to store more if you have unwell people or small children in your family. And don't forget your pets.
WREMO recommends having 20 litres per person per day for seven days (140 litres per person).
This recommended amount should be enough for drinking, cooking, washing clothes, your pets, sponge bath, washing dishes, brushing teeth, handwashing clothes, first aid and hygiene.
The minimum amount of stored emergency water is 3 litres per person per day for seven days (21 litres per person). The minimum amount is only enough for drinking, cooking and very basic hygiene.
How to store emergency water
- Thoroughly clean your containers with hot water (not boiling, as this will destroy the bottle).
- Fill your containers (see below) with cold tap water until it overflows.
- Add a small amount of bleach to help stop bacteria. Add half a teaspoon (2.5ml) of plain, unscented household bleach to 10 litres of water (a household bucket), or five drops to 1 litre of water. See the amount of bleach to add to stored water. *Do not use Janola as it contains detergents which makes it unsuitable for treating drinking water.
- Write the date that you filled your containers on each one to help you remember when to check and replace the water.
- Place the lid on tightly and store in a cool, dark place. Avoid direct sunlight.
- Clean and refill the bottles every 12 months.
- Check your stored water before using by: holding it up to the light. If it has anything floating in it or it is not clear, strain and boil for one minute (or until an electric kettle switches off) or; add 5 drops of plain, unperfumed household bleach per litre of water, and leave for 30 minutes before drinking.
Options for storing water
Plastic drink bottles
- Clean and re-use plastic drink bottles.
- Store in a cool, dark place.
- Avoid direct sunlight.
- Do not use milk bottles - any milk residue will contaminate the water.
- You can fill clean plastic ice cream containers with water, cover, label and keep in the freezer. These can help keep food cool if the power is off and can also be used for drinking when thawed.
10 - 20-litre containers
- These containers are available from hardware stores.
- Store in a cool, dark place.
- Avoid direct sunlight.
200-litre water tank
Your local council sells the 200-litre water tank and kit for approximately $128 (RRP $265). This is a special deal provided by councils > Learn more
Larger tanks
Available directly from manufacturers and hardware stores. Water storage tanks come in a variety of shapes and sizes. We recommend you check with your local council to see if there are any planning requirements you need to consider before installing a large water tank.
- Your hot water cylinder and toilet cistern are valuable sources of water. Check that your hot water cylinder and header tank are well secured.
- The toilet cistern is only safe to use if no chemical toilet cleaner is present.
- Boil water for one minute before drinking.
How to use water safely during an emergency
- Check your stored water before using:
- Check your stored water by holding it up to the light. If it has anything floating in it or it is not clear, strain and boil for one minute.
- You can add 5 drops of plain, unperfumed household bleach per litre of water, and stand for 30 minutes before drinking.
- If there is a boil water notice in place:
- Go to the Taumata Arowai website for options on how to make water safe to drink under a boil water notice.
- Go to the Taumata Arowai website for options on how to make water safe to drink under a boil water notice.
How much bleach to add to stored water
- Add bleach and stand for 30 minutes before drinking.
- Use plain, unscented household bleach.
- Do not use Janola as it has detergents that makes it unsuitable for treating drinking water.
Water (Litres) : Amount of unscented household bleach (ml)
1 litre : 5 drops (0.25ml)
2 litres : 10 drops (0.5ml)
3 litres : 15 drops (0.75ml)
4 litres : 20 drops (1ml)
5 litres : ¼ teaspoon (1.25ml)
10 litres : ½ teaspoon (2.5ml)
20 litres: 1 teaspoon (5ml)
50 litres: 2 ½ teaspoons (12.5ml)
100 litres: 5 teaspoons (25ml)
200 litres: 10 teaspoons (50ml)
Saving water during water shortage
Droughts can have negative impacts on our water supply, agriculture, electricity production, and the ecosystem.
Droughts that affect the water supply can lead to water shortages. In cases of severe drought your local council will impose various water restrictions to conserve water and prevent disruptions to the supply.
Conserving water
You can help avoid the need for water restrictions and mitigate the effects of the drought by reducing water use in your home. Find tips on how to reduce your water use on the Taumata Arowai website.
NZSL: Storing Emergency Water - Advice for Wellington Region Residents
English text
Storing emergency water:
An earthquake, drought or flood could affect our water supply.
Have a household supply of stored water for at least seven days.
How much emergency water to store:
For the Wellington region (which includes Wellington City, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt, Porirua, Kāpiti and the Wairarapa), it is recommended to have 20 litres of water per person, per day, for seven days (that is 140 litres each).
This recommended amount should be enough for drinking, cooking, a sponge bath, washing dishes, brushing teeth, handwashing clothes, first aid and hygiene and your pets.
At a minimum, you should have 3 litres per person, per day, for seven days (that is 21 litres each). This minimum amount is only enough for drinking, cooking and very basic hygiene.
Children, nursing mothers and ill people will also need more. Be sure to include drinking and clean-up water for your pets. The amount needed will depend on their sizes and the conditions. Remember that pets often drink more water than usual when under stress.
Water storage options:
- Re-use and clean plastic water or soft-drink bottles.
- Do not use milk containers to store water as the protein from milk cannot be removed and can cause bacteria in water stored.
2. You can also fill plastic ice cream containers with water. Label them and keep them in the freezer. These can help keep food cool if the power is off and can also be used for drinking.
3. Your hot water cylinder and toilet cistern are valuable sources of water. Check that your hot water cylinder and header tank are well secured. Do not use water from the toilet cistern if you are using chemical toilet cleaners.
4. Fill bigger containers available from hardware or camping stores.
6. 200 litre household water tanks are available to purchase from your local council.
6. Larger tanks are available directly from manufacturers and hardware stores.
If you have any questions on storing emergency water or how to be prepared for emergencies, contact the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO):
- Website: www.wremo.nz/water
- Email: info@wremo.nz Phone: 04 830 4279. Hours of operation are 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
- If you are Deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, speech impaired or find it hard to talk, you can use the New Zealand Relay Service. www.nzrelay.co.nz