Earthquake Planning Guide
Our Earthquake Planning guide is available in 16 different languages.
View and download the guide below.
WREMO partnered with New Zealand Red Cross to translate ‘Now is the Time: Your Earthquake Planning Guide’ into in 16 languages so that our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities around the Wellington Region can have equal access to this important preparedness information.
Each of the languages had a volunteer translation team of three native speakers who worked together to translate the Guide. The teams then went through a community consultation process to check for comprehension with non-English speaking members of their communities. This is a world-first, using citizen translators.
This project has been supported by a global crisis translation team, INTERACT, who have presented this case study at several conferences around the world. More on this project is available through this article.
Note: The New Zealand Red Cross Hazard App mentioned in this guide, was switched off on 30 June 2024. Since the Hazard App became available, there have been changes in New Zealand’s approach to hazard alerting. There are now a range of ways people can stay informed during emergencies. You can find these here.
Other Translated Resources
Further translated resources are available from the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).