Outdoor school scene with a teacher and family talking. two children are in the distance kicking a soccer ball.

School Emergency Plans

Emergencies can happen at any time, so it's important for schools to be prepared by having a plan in place to respond to emergencies, and practise this plan to minimise the effect on students and staff.  

As a parent or guardian you should also be aware of your school's emergency plans so you know where to meet your child in the event of a disaster.  
WREMO actively engages with schools across our region to ensure their plans are fit for purpose and are regularly practised. 

Caregiver Checklist

1. Familiarise yourself with your education provider's emergency plan. 

2. If your child's education provider is in a tsunami zone, know where the tsunami evacuation point is and go there (not the school) if there is a tsunami.

3. Try to provide the school at least three names of friends or family members within walking distance of the school who could collect your children if you were unable to. Let your children know about who could pick them up if you couldn't get there.

4. Have a household plan if you can't get to the school - talk to your children about what they should do. 

School Emergency Planning for Schools and Pre-Schools

Schools and Early Learning Services 

WREMO holds emergency planning workshops for schools and early learning services to come together and understand what needs to be in their emergency plans.

The workshops are also an opportunity to share their challenges and discuss solutions. 

School/ECE Tsunami Evacuation Plans

Is your kura or early childhood centre in a tsunami zone?

Find out their emergency plan and know where the school offsite tsunami evacuation point is.