Publications - Resources


Business Continuity Plan Cover

Business Continuity Planning Guide

Our simple 12-step guide to business continuity planning can help you create a plan for your business or organisation.

Template Plan Cover

Business Continuity Plan Template

Create your own Business Continuity Plan - download this template, save it to your computer and follow the steps in the guide to complete your plan

Sensitive Business Information Register Cover

Sensitive Business Information Document Template

Download this template to record information so that authorised person(s) can run your business in your absence.



hub video NZSL thumbnail

What is a Community Emergency Hub? (in NZSL)

A Community Emergency Hub is a place where you and your neighbours can go to help each other in a major emergency. 

Find out more in this video, translated in New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL). 

View video
when to open hub thumbnail

When to open a Community Emergency Hub

Flow chart to deciding whether to open a Community Emergency Hub. 

hub guide front pic

Community Emergency Hub Guides

Read your local Community Emergency Hub Guide.

Find your hub guide
I am Deaf book Pic

NZSL Emergency Signs Booklet

Learn some New Zealand Sign Language that will help you communicate with a Deaf person in the event of an emergency.



EQPG English Thumbnail

Household Earthquake Planning Guide - English Version

Your guide to help you and your household be better prepared for an earthquake in the Wellington region. This guide is available in 16 different languages.

> View and download the guide in other languages

household plan template thumbnail

Household Emergency Plan Template

Make a household plan with your whānau using this template. 

Grab Bag Checklist Screenshot

Grab Bag Checklist

Download a checklist for the essential Grab Bag items.

household plan template te reo thumbnail

Household Plan Template - Te Reo Māori

Make an emergency plan with your household using this template.

Lifesttyle book thumbnail

Lifestyle Block Preparedness Booklet

This lifestyle block preparedness handbook gives you detailed advice on how to prepare for an emergency to keep you, your whānau and animals safe.

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Emergency Toilet Infographic Guide

Your guide to making an emergency toilet when you can't flush your loo. 

Emergency Water Flowchart Thumbnail

Water Emergency Flowchart

Use this flowchart to make sure your water is safe to drink after an emergency.

Water storage infographic

Water storage infographic

How much water will you need in the days following a major earthquake?

Making your water safe Thumbnail

Making your water safe - guide

There a simple steps you can take to make water safe in an emergency, including boiling and using bleach.



Whats the plan stan activity sheet thumbnail

What's the Plan Stan Activity Sheet

ECE Emergency Planning Guide MoE CDEM Thumbnail

Early Childhood Education Emergency Planning Guide

Best practice guidance jointly developed by the National Emergency Management Agency and the
Ministry of Education to help those involved in the education and care of young children at Early Childhood Education services to develop Emergency Plans and put them into practice. 

Ruaumoko walk Eng and Maori thumb

Rūaumoko's Walk - te Reo Māori and English

Award winning bilingual children’s story book supporting tsunami and earthquake preparedness and encourages young children and their families to understand the correct actions to take in the event of a large earthquake, and what they need to do if they are in a tsunami zone.

tectonic plate poster thumbnail

East Coast Lab Tectonic Plates Poster

Display poster showing the tectonic plates in the world. 

Ruaumoko walk Tongan thumbmail

Rūaumoko's Walk - Tongan Edition

Award winning bilingual children’s story book supporting tsunami and earthquake preparedness and encourages young children and their families to understand the correct actions to take in the event of a large earthquake, and what they need to do if they are in a tsunami zone.

ECL Life at the boundary worksheet thumbnail

East Coast Lab Activity Sheet

Kids activity sheet about earthquakes, tsunami, the hikurangi subduction zone and the earth's structure.

Ruaumoko walk Samoan thumbnail

Rūaumoko's Walk - Samoan Edition

Award winning bilingual children’s story book supporting tsunami and earthquake preparedness and encourages young children and their families to understand the correct actions to take in the event of a large earthquake, and what they need to do if they are in a tsunami zone.

Ruaumoko walk Hindi thumbnail

Rūaumoko's Walk - Hindi Edition

Award winning bilingual children’s story book supporting tsunami and earthquake preparedness and encourages young children and their families to understand the correct actions to take in the event of a large earthquake, and what they need to do if they are in a tsunami zone.

Ruaumoko walk Cook Islands thumbnail

Rūaumoko's Walk - Cook Islands Edition

Award winning bilingual children’s story book supporting tsunami and earthquake preparedness and encourages young children and their families to understand the correct actions to take in the event of a large earthquake, and what they need to do if they are in a tsunami zone.

Ruaumoko walk Chinese thumbnail

Rūaumoko's Walk - Chinese Edition

Award winning bilingual children’s story book supporting tsunami and earthquake preparedness and encourages young children and their families to understand the correct actions to take in the event of a large earthquake, and what they need to do if they are in a tsunami zone.

Whats the plan stan activity sheet te reo thumbnail

What's the Plan Stan Activity Sheet - Te Reo Māori

Emergency and hazard learning activity sheet for kids in te Reo Māori. 

Whats the plan stan colouring book thumbnail

What's the Plan Stan Colouring Book

Emergency preparedness colouring book for kids. 

ECL Slow Slip Event graphing activity thumbnail

Slow Slip Events Graphing Activity

Activity sheet for students to learn about slow slip events on the east coast. 

ECL Life at the boundary Poster

Life at the Boundary Poster

Display poster about earthquakes and tsunami at the Hikurangi Subduction Zone. 
